RISCV Boards

OBJEX Link v1.6-C3 & OBJEX Link v1.7-C3

ESP32-C3 Native USB problems

OBJEX Link v1.7-C3 may not be recognized correctly by win10. Here is what you need to do:

-> Try following the official guide: https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/latest/esp32c3/api-guides/jtag-debugging/configure-builtin-jtag.html

If the board is still not recognized by the operating system continue reading the next step.

  • Mount OBJEX Link v1.7-C3 in the protoboard v2.0, and as shown in the picture, put a button and connect it to GND and IO0(DTR).

  • Now, open the device manager of win10.

  • Hold down the (BOOT) button you put on the protoboard and connect USB-C to your PC.

On the device manager you should see this:

-> Now, Install this tool: https://visualgdb.com/UsbDriverTool/

Right-click "USB JTAG debug unit" -> restore default driver, and install the new driver as shown below.

Now, open the device manager you should see this:

And finally open the Arduino IDE to start using OBJEX Link v1.7-C3 RISCV!

Last updated